2025 Kickstarter iPhone行動電源懶人包,推薦清單整理


蘋果用戶必備行動電源,可為AirPods、Watch、iPhone、iPad 等充電

Momax Airbox 現於Kickstarter 開放募資,早鳥價690 港元起(約台幣2,630 元),由於已超過預定目標,預計10 月就能出貨。 (本文由 ...


這項專案是在今年九月一日募資完成,沒想到iPhone 5一推出,就遇上了連接設計更改爭議,蘋果堅決不讓新的Lightning和舊的30-pin兩款連接頭出現在同一裝置上, ...

World's First iPhone Synced Projection&10000mAh Power Bank

UNQ:iPhone Synced Projection 正在Kickstarter 上為World's First iPhone Synced Projection&10000mAh Power Bank 籌款!

A Better Charger for iPhone Users by White - elusefor.com

Convenient and flexible iPhone power bank meant for daily use. Equipped with a cable for both charging and recharging.

A Better Charger for iPhone Users by White

Convenient and flexible iPhone power bank meant for daily use. Equipped with a cable for both charging and recharging. elusefor.com.

IVYCable Gen2

Charge all your devices with a 2-in-1 magnetic cable | Perfectly compatible with iPhone 15, earlier iPhone models, and Android devices.


1.奈米科技可直接黏吸手機上 · 2.行動電源本身可被無線充電、亦可無線充電手機(提案更新,成為贊助者可看到影片) · 3.具PD快充功能 · 4.國際運費寄到其他國家 ...